Friday, August 10, 2018


As one can see that the transportation of goods from rails is much more convenient that roads or airways because large amount of goods can be transported at a time with much cheaper rate and low fuel consumption making it affordable and environment friendly (less pollution). But, due to its late and slow service, no one risk to prefer it. The goods which should be delivered within 3 days takes more than 10 days to get delivered increasing both the percentage cost of transportation and loss of the owner. Also, the Railways doesn’t deliver proper goods to owner; there are some problems related to quantity and quality of good always. Taking these circumstances, one always thinks what are major developments happening in Indian Railways related to these freight trains?? The post will cover the latest technical developments of Indian Railways which include the strategies for improving the condition of freight trains!!

Before start, why these goods train are so slow? One never thinks on it because even our passenger’s train gets delayed. The biggest reason becomes the overcrowded rail routes in which preference are more to passenger’s train than freight train which operates in large quantities; making hardly any route free to move. The second reason becomes the large loads of these goods trains and the old outdated tracks which doesn’t permit to go beyond 50km/hr. The final reasons are the locomotives having very less tractive effort and low hauling capacity to pull the fully loaded fifty wagons (bogies) train.

To compensate this, the first major and mega development are the DEDICATED FREIGHT CORRIDORS (DFC) covering the four quadrilaterals and major cities of India. These will become the core of goods train allowing the trains to run with almost 110 wagons at a speed of 100km/hr max. Important part being that only freight trains are allowed to move on these routes preventing the delay and delivering the proper goods on time. The system is equipped with high tech machines increasing the speed and accuracy of the work with much better materials. To ensure more safety and quality of goods, various storage units and packing machines are installed to these routes. For more info, visit to my post: DEDICATED FREIGHT CORRIDOR (THE RAILWAYS GAME-CHANGER).

dedicated freight corridor

The one incidence that should be discussed before continuing that one goods train of Indian Railway is 1354 days late (almost 4 years). The incident is bit shocking; taking place when one owner ordered the transportation of 21 fertilizers wagons from Visakhapatnam to Basti on 14 November, 2014. He got only 20 wagons of fertilizers and one wagon was missing. When he complained, Railways said that the wagon was bit heavy to transported and will be transported later. But then the last wagon was delivered after 1354 days. When owner asked for compensation, railways said that it was his fault that he had not correctly matched its products. Thus, the big evolution is necessary to remove such big mistakes in Railways.

 Now, the biggest development that should be undertaken are the better hauling locomotives that are enough pull the high weight wagons. We observe that old ALCO locomotives are still used for hauling the heavy wagons like WDM3A, WDG3A etc. These locomotives still have low hauling capacity and high fuel consumption with major pollutions. But still these locomotives are most successful locomotives for Indian Railways.

Taking in account the current operational locomotive, we have the latest EMD locomotives with high traction power like WDG4, WDG5 and WDG4D. The high-powered diesel operated engines can easily move the trains with decent speed. Besides, the diesel locomotives give more traction power as compared to electric locomotives, thus are necessary.
Next, in electric variations we have WAG5 basically used in twin coupled and WAG7 locomotive. These two locomotives are highly used in rail tracks. But when it comes to monster, we have WAG9. This locomotive is the most powerful locomotive of Indian Railways having 6350HP. This locomotive can easily haul the 60-70 good wagons with great speed. This green coloured locomotive is most commonly used in Freight tracks and on busiest routes.



These are some current operational locomotives being used for long time. But what about the ultra-power locomotives or these are only number?!
The first major positioner is WDG4G, a locomotive imported from general electric, Germany. This diesel variant locomotive becomes the most efficient and powerful diesel locomotives for goods trains having decent hauling capacity and fuel efficient. The locomotive would be manufactured in the factory of MARHOWRAH, BIHAR.


Next to talk about the biggest accomplishment of ‘MAKE IN INDIA’ or Indian Railways project; a new conversion locomotive named WAGC3. This locomotive was manufactured with use of two locomotives, WDM3A and WAM4. The world’s first diesel to electric conversion locomotive would again be used in hauling freight trains in Dedicated Freight Corridor. For more info visit to post: WDG-4G.


Finally, the BEAST of Indian Railways; the mega hauler locomotive, WAG12. This locomotive is most powerful locomotive of India, having 12000HP. This locomotive was imported from ALSTOM, FRANCE which remarks a big history in Indian Railways. This locomotive can easily haul 100-120 wagons at a top speed of 110km/hr. The locomotive is also equipped with high modern equipment’s and used in twin sectioned for extra power. This locomotive would be proved to be a big gamechanger in Railways. For more info visit to my post: WAG12.


Lastly, the coming soon locomotive; again, a mega conversion after WAGC3 named WAG11 locomotive. This locomotive would be fusion of WDG4 and WAP7 locomotive. This locomotive was also counted among powerful locomotives for freight trains.

Thus, these developments in goods train will surely bring a mega change of transportation where more preference becomes the rail transport and decreasing the transportation rate to great extent making it cheaper than others. Soon, the country will be counted among the powerful nation in rail transport and services and people can see the better conditions for the rail transport.



Thursday, June 28, 2018


As the network of high speed railways become the dream of every country. Almost all the countries are effortlessly working on their high-speed project and aims to provide such transport which gives a jet speed on ground. Today, this post is not about any facts and information regarding Indian Railways. This post would describe about the biggest success of Japanese Railways and a technology system which remarks the history of railways in the world. So, the post includes the fastest, the floater, the magnificent rail system: the ‘MAGLEV’.

The following post includes the discussion of ‘MAGLEV’ system, the EDS and EMS technology explanation and finally the Japan’s supreme ‘SCMaglev’.


The MAGLEV (MAG: magnetic, LEV: levitation) is the system which uses the magnetic propulsion technique for rail transportation. The system makes use of two system of magnets, one system of magnets which uses magnetic repulsion property to float the whole train in air and other system of magnets which propel the train ahead at high speed. Thus, this system propels the train in air removing all the friction of tracks. This enables it to take high speed with floating technique removing all the contact with the ground.

The Maglev system makes propulsion and lifting along the guideways, in which series of magnets are attached in guideways with magnets attached in bogies. The magnets are generally electromagnets or induced magnets by Lenz’s law due to relative motion. The interesting point being that the no parts in whole system is in motion as train floats on magnets so the system makes no use of motor and less energy consumption.



The evolution of 'maglev' is followed by the two main technologies which headed the whole project:

1. 'Maglev' system in Germany making use of EMS technology.
2. 'Maglev' system in Japan making use of EDS technology.

Let’s discuss each of them in detail:


Before starting, we should discuss the propulsion system i.e. how the train moves forward with help of magnets. The guideways which provides direction and stability to train, contains the series of north and south pole electromagnets placed alternatively with each other as NSNSNS…. fitted along the side of guideways. These series are fixed on both sections of the guideways. The series are then connected with alternator which supplies alternating current to electromagnets with certain frequency. Thus the polarity of magnets would continuously changes as NSNSNS.. to SNSNSN.. then NSNSNS… and so on, depending upon the frequency of current. In same way, the bogies are fitted with such series of electromagnets which also changes the polarity due to alternating current with same frequency. Here, the frequency of both currents, in bogies and guideways should be equal to make propulsion possible.

Thus, the previous magnet of guideway will repel the magnet of bogies in the series and at same time, the forward magnet of guideway will attract the same magnet of bogie in the series. Thus, the both effects makes a forward resultant and train moves forward. Again, in next phase the same thing happens and train moves so on. The speed of train will depend upon the frequency of change of alternating current in both series of bogies and train.
Propulsion system


The EMS technology simply uses the attractive force of the magnet to lift the train in air. The attractive force between the electromagnets fitted below of guideways and above the bogies lift the train against the gravitational force at about 5cm from guideways. The propulsion system fitted alongside of guideways helps the train to move forward. As the train surrounds the guideways, it stabilizes the unit during the motion. in this process, the train remains lifted even at low speeds as long as current flows into the electromagnets. In case of power failure, emergency batteries are provided for current supply preventing collision with guideways.



The EDS technology are first developed by Japanese engineer in 1998. The EDS system basically uses the super-cooled, superconducting electromagnets unlike the normal electromagnets. This develops the strong electric field as compared to EMS. The supercooled will conduct electricity even after the power supply and enables the train energy saving and to move even on power cuts. However, the cryogenic system is required to keep coils supercooled.

The EDS system makes uses of repulsion of magnets for lifting of train. The train usually lifts 10cm above the guideways through coils in the guideways below the magnets. The electromagnets induce current in coils which creates opposite polarity to repel and lift the train. However, the train has to run at rubber wheels till it attains the speed of 100km/hr, after which it lifts up above the ground. The rubber wheels were considered beneficial as the train moved even after power failure when train comes in contact of guideways. The train moves forward making same use of propulsion system of magnets.


The essential difference between the EMS and EDS technology is that the magnetic fields are very strong in EDS than EMS. Thus, the EMS has less effects of magnetic field inside the train having strength same as earth magnet making suitable for person with pacemakers or carrying the magnetic material as hard disk etc. whereas the train are to be shielded in EDS technology to prevent the effect of magnetic field on persons otherwise it leads to serious problems.


The ScMAGLEV (SuperConducting MAGnetic LEVitation) is the Japan’s high-speed rail project making same use of EDS technology for trains. The project was first started on year 1998 after which it is successfully trailed on June 2015 on YAMANASHI test track. The 335 kilometres track laid between the Tokyo and Shanghai helps to attain the speed of 602km/hr, the highest speed attained in the world. Afterwhich, several tests were held which mark the successful completion of Maglev project.

The 'ScMaglev' again make use of supercooled electromagnets for levitation. The guideways contain the series of 8-shaped coils fixed side by side and coils fitted below the guideways. When train attains the speed of 100km/hr, the current induced due to change in flux in coils created north and south pole simultaneously on both ends of 8-shaped coils. The magnets fitted on side of train will experience a simultaneous attractive and repulsive forces which lifts the train and the coils fitted perpendicular to these coils will propel the train at a high speed of 600km/hr. The forces induced when train tilts to other side will pull back the train to its original position and provides stabilization.

Even though the system was considered to be expensive, but the dream of high speed projects will accomplished due to these trials.   



Monday, June 25, 2018


Hello friends!

This is SHIKHAR SINGH back with another interesting post. When we think about the king of railways in the world, the only country which comes in everyone’s mind is the JAPANESE RAILWAYS. The greatest team of engineers brings such a revolution on rail roads with their researches, technologies and developments that provides the country, a series of bullet trains, high quality suburban train and the god of tracks, THE MAGLEV. So, this post describes the differences in INDIAN RAILWAYS and JAPAN RAILWAYS which covers technology difference, delay reasons, slow speeds etc.


Before start, one thing which I should mention that although Indian Railways are slow and not much efficient but management of Railways in country of billions of populations where lakhs of people travel everyday was magnificent and no country dares to manage such big population and service thousands of trains every day.


The major factor which makes Japanese railways so strong was their system which they created before the world war-2. They were working effortlessly on their railways for past 100 years where they developed new system of locomotives, suburban coaches, track system, signalling system, full safety measures and most important their working system in which none of trains was delayed.

Even after worst situations of world war 2 on japan, they renewed the system and worked constantly which now makes the supreme of railways. It is also said that if world war 2 would not happened, the Japanese railway would introduce its first bullet train before the world war.

SAFETY is utmost importance of Japanese railways where no bullet train met with accident during its long service. The various technical equipment caution driver earlier before the accident or automatically stops the train. Besides, PRECISION is one of biggest quality on Japanese railways. It hardly happens that any train gets delayed by 10 minutes. One big case happens in Japan where the train driver committed suicide for 10 minutes delay. SPEED AND TIME is the biggest quality of japan which it remarks on its railways.

THE COMPARISON: The biggest lag we can see in Indian railways was the whole system designed somewhere by other countries. Whether it could be locomotives, coaches, tracks, signals; all were imported from foreign countries. Thus, any new technology that we observe in railways was the gift of developed countries and Railways contribute small changes in that technology which marks a big success in India. In opposite, any small development you would see in Japan is the product of Japan only. Thus they are the leaders in railways.


1.The SUBWAY TRAIN SYSTEM which runs entirely underground connecting the various places of the cities in TOKYO along with major cities of japan to Tokyo.

2. The SUBURBAN LOCAL TRAIN SYSTEM which runs at a slow speed near some cities and grassland regions serving lakhs of employees to their office.

3. The BULLET TRAIN SYSTEM connecting the long distant cities of JAPAN with a high speed of 350km/hr. The series include the SHINAKASEN BULLET TRAIN with its series which will discussed below in brief.

4. The god of trains ‘MAGLEV’ connecting again far cities of Japan (newly launched) with its top speed of 600-700km/hr. The MAGLEV train uses other technology for motion discussed in later post.


5. The FREIGHT TRAIN SYSTEM in which freight moves from one city to another. This runs at low speeds and are rarely serviced as freight transport is less demanded in Japan.

OBSERVATIONS: One can see that there were four systems of railways operational in JAPAN; totally controlled by JR (Japanese Railways); each of which is controlled by separate sectors of JR. Thus, it creates less pressure over the controlling body as one body will be focused in one system, unlike the Indian Railways in which entire of freight trains, mail trains, super-fast, premium trains, suburban trains etc. are under control of one body. But, we also have large number of trains over one service line increasing a lot traffic than Japan.


Here is the list of Shinkansen bullet train series operational in Japan. The list is big but we provide important series operational:

1.The N700 SERIES operational in July 2007 which runs at top speed of 300km/hr and ability of tilting with speed of 270km/hr replacing 300, 500 and 700 series.


2.The W7 SERIES SHINAKASEN operation on March 2015 which runs at top speed of 275km/hr with design based on earlier E2 series.

3. The E SERIES SHINAKASEN operational on March 2011 which again runs at maximum speed of 300-320km/hr. The E series would include E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6 subseries in which E5 series is mostly used by JR.


4. The 0 SERIES SHINAKASEN were the first series of bullet trains introduced in Japan in 1963 which runs at top speed of 180km/hr. They are rarely used but marks the biggest achievement in the world.


5. The 200 SERIES SHINAKASEN operational on year 1980 were second series after success of 0 series capable of maximum speed of 240km/hr. This were largely serviced till date before N700 and E series.

6. The DOCTER YELLOW SERIES are the sets which maintain and check the tracks for shinkansen trains. They ensure regular checking and smooth running of trains on tracks.



1.The first major reason is its aerodynamic fluid look which easily overcomes resistance unlike the Indian locomotives which have bulgy front design. They easily scrap the air in surrounding providing clear space for the motion.

2. The second major reason is body structure where the Shinkansen moves as complete unit i.e. it moves as complete set and cannot be separated unlike the Indian trains in which individual coaches and locomotive joined together to form complete unit.

3. The third reason includes the motor placement in which individual motor is fitted in each axles or wheels of Shinkansen providing individual power to each wheel; very much different from Indian trains in which the frontal locomotive only provides the power to whole unit for movement. This Shinkansen design can be seen in Indian SUBURBAN trains.

4. The forth reason is difference in track design where the Shinkansen tracks is provided with curved sleepers and pin movement joint. These tracks can easily absorb the high vibrations of train which makes the smooth movement of the train and attainment of high speed. One can also feel no vibration or shaking inside train.

5. The fifth reason is the ability to take turn at high speed, that means, it doesn’t have to reduce speed at curved turns because the whole train can easily tilt at big turns avoiding derailment. Most of Indian trains losses its speed due to big curved turns thus difficulty in high speed attainment.

6. The last reason is small length trains where the Shinkansen trains are short length with only 160 seating capacity along with light aluminium body of whole train. The Indian trains generally are large length of high seating capacity with heavy weights; but this is important keeping in mind the population of India.

Thus, whatever the difficulty, India will soon experience the high-speed bullet trains after completion of MUMBAI-AHEMDABAD corridor; A project initiated by PM Narendra Modi under Japanese observation. India will soon be among the high speed countries.



Thursday, June 14, 2018



This is Shikhar Singh back with another ‘my cams opinion’ post which is again the information’s and facts based on my opinions and observations. Today, I am writing my post on one of my important and favorite topic which is the biggest posing challenge for the Indian Railways. So, this post would discuss about the topic ‘WHY INDIAN TRAINS ARE SLOW?’.

As, Indian Railways becomes one of the biggest networks among all the countries and daily service over millions of passengers and freight trains. But, the major problem which almost all the trains have to face, whether it is passenger trains or freight trains, is its late running which almost causes huge losses and wastes of lot of time. It happens very less that the train reaches its destination and cover its destination during the designated time.

As result of which most of the passengers prefers road journey than rail journey and Railways faces a great exploitation in its freight transportation and we can see a big decrement in the revenue during the last 30 years, and largely in goods transportation which decreases from 80% in year 1959 to 34% in year 2016. That’s why Railways are making a lot of backup to cover its losses. So, this post will cover the major reasons that causes this late running of trains according to my opinions in brief:


The tracks used in Indian Railways are still of outdated old technologies. Their foundation, sleepers, steel rails are made up of old design. This prevents them to gain high speeds and various speed limits prohibit them to run at designated speeds.

The track laying process includes the bare land over which crushed stones or ‘ballast’ are laid to keep them at heights. Next wooden or concrete sleepers were laid and covered them with stones. Finally, the steel rails were laid at large distances and fixed with slider to allow the expansion and contraction. Thus, the whole arrangement is not fixed to grounds.

The major function is of ballast stones which absorbs the load and vibrations when heavy trains passes over it. Moreover, it fixes the tracks and provides the sufficient friction that prevents derailment even at high speeds.

 So, the ballast stones and concrete sleepers are very important for tracks. The design of sleepers should be curved not straight. By being curved, they can be more accumulated inside the stones making it rigidly fixed and it can distribute its vibrations over a large area. This makes the train to pass even at high speeds. One can also observe that the main line has more distributed stones that loop lines. Thus, more number of stones and more coverage area of sleepers gives train sufficient power to run at high speeds.



This also becomes a major factor in late running of the trains. The train driver and guard of the particular train has to keep the records and paperwork of whole journey of train. This include the arrival and departure time from any station, the timings of signal crossing, special permissions from station master or bigger authority for further moving of train etc. This wastes a lot of time and eventually increases the time of journey as some of the tedious paperwork takes a lot of time.

Another reason on this is the token exchange process. There are some routes where LED signals are still not installed and manual signals were used which makes them to use token system. In this system, the driver receives the circular token from one station master which allows to move next station where it drops the existing token and takes new token. The station master put this signal in particular box which gives new token and ask peon to return the token. This mostly takes 20 min which delays the train lot.


The shunting includes the changing of locomotive, reversing of locomotive and separating a section of link trains which goes to other destination. This shunting process positions the train at station for a long time in un-serviced conditions which usually takes 45 minutes to one hour. As anything is not already set, it wastes a lot of time in setting them.

Second major factor is the preference that Indian Railways give to some trains. For example, if due to some reasons all the trains of that particular route are disturbed, the Rajdhanis and other premium train are allowed to move first and cover its journey and lastly the mail trains are allowed to move. This creates a huge stopping time of particular mail trains which delays them a lot. Even some destinies’ trains are signalled to move first than other. For example, if a Delhi train and Jammu train are running late and standing at same platform, it allows the Delhi train to move first and stops other train. In this way, some preference causes delay of train.


The chassy design of locomotives and coaches not allow them to hauls at high speed. The absence of aerodynamic design and old-fashioned engines of locomotive with old coaches causes a major factor. The coaches are not manufactured in single system but with individual units that combines together. This gives instability and high vibration to trains which prevents them attain greater speed.


As said earlier and discussed in earlier post, the LHB coaches have a lot of advantages over ICF coaches and this happens mainly due to their frame and bogie structure. They can easily run at high speed and having larger stability. But still over 80% of the coaches are ICF coaches used in Railways. it is known that LHB are costlier than ICF coaches but still if railways make a huge investment they can easily prevents this delay and make services better and secured.


This is the last and most important reasons for big delays in Railways. As the railways hold the position of largest rail network among the countries but unable to manage them effectively. Over 3 times more trains are serviced in North division than South division. As we know that North block has greater population than south block and becomes the reason of large number of trains.

 The heavy traffic over North block makes every train to delay where next station is not empty, greater preference to premium trains, small yards at important station with large number of train to hold. Thus, in this network if any delay occurs in one train, the delay will affect the other trains too and, in this way, whole network is affected.        



Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Indian Railways which was considered the busiest transport services in India and for smooth trafficking and functioning of this service, it makes use of various signs and signals which holds a special meaning for the driver and designate them to perform their duties with the signs and signals. This blog will cover the various sign boards used in Indian Railways along with their meanings and respective uses in brief:


All of you have once seen the circle board written as LV in bold letters at the back or end of each train whether it is passengers train or freight train. Here, the ‘LV’ denotes the ‘Last Vehicle’ which means that the train is moving with its whole compartments and coaches and none of the coaches or wagons are missing from train. They are generally used for railway staff to confirm that the train is moving with its whole unit and none of the coaches are missing. If they do not find LV board at last of train, they can take emergency action.



This sign board is in shape of arrow which points either towards left or right and are fixed at the side of the tracks. The board is painted with reflective yellow colour and black triangles which indicates some caution and restrictions on the track with the arrow pointing the track on which it is applied. It is generally fixed around 700m to 800m from some speed limit board or actually site of working. This caution the driver to slow down the train for some problems on track or speed limit.  


The speed limit board is generally triangular in shape with some numbers written in black colours indicating the speed in ‘km/hr’ or ‘km/h’ with which the driver has to move the train. The restrictions are usually applied before some crossings, stations, remote areas, large turns or at signals

The speed limit board is generally mounted at a distance of 500 metres from the region of limiting speed stretch.
 Sometimes it is blue in colour with white numbers or on the yellow boards, ‘FOR RAJDHANIS’ are written below speed number. They generally indicate the speed limit for RAJDHANIS and SHATABDIS trains only.


The termination indicator board are circular in shape painted with reflective yellow colour and ‘T’ is written over it on black colours. They represent the termination of speed limits for the driver and driver can take the train to its maximum speed.

Sometimes one can also find that ‘T/G’ or ‘T/P’ is also written with black colours over the yellow circular board. They represent the ‘termination of speed for goods train’ and ‘termination of speed for passenger’s train’. The ‘T/G’ board is usually mounted after one or 2 kilometres away from the ‘T/P’ board owing to large length of goods train.

One can also find the ‘T/EMU’ or ‘T/EMU-9’ etc. at the urban areas. These represent the ‘termination of speed limits for the EMU trains’. Similarly, other signs were also used for different type of terminations of speed of train as ‘T/GP’ means termination of speed for both goods and passengers trains. Earlier, ‘T/Raj’ were used for termination of speed for Rajdhani’s only which were now abandoned from use.


A ‘P’ written on triangular or square board painted with reflective yellow colour indicates the driver to be careful and cautioned of the tracks because of the possible landslides, floods etc. These signs warn the driver about some track problems due to various natural calamities. The ‘E’ written on board on other side indicates the termination of track problems afterwards.


This board is rectangular in shape with red colours and white bands marked over it. This board is also painted from reflective colours for indicating the driver to stop the locomotive from further proceeding before the sign. The board is usually placed just before some work or end of track and the driver has to take permissions for further proceeding. It is also used at the station to position the train correctly on the platform.


The caution tunnel indicators are usually placed just before any tunnel, around 100 to 200 metres away to indicate and caution the driver of tunnel approaching and to reduce its speed to speed limits. It also warns for constant honking and eye inspection on tracks on tunnel. They are mostly circular in shape having reflective yellow background and ‘C/T’ written over it with black colour.


This board is an important board for safety point of view. The whistle board are generally square in shape with reflective yellow colour painted over it and ‘W’ is written with black colour indicates the driver to blow horn for a specified purpose.

The whistle indicator board are generally written with black ‘W/L’ or ‘W/B’ or in Hindi, it is written as ‘see/phaa’. This indicates and warns the driver to blow the horn for the ‘level crossing’ and for the ‘crossing the bridge’ respectively. In Hindi, the board actually means ‘seete bajao phatak’. The ‘W/L’ board are usually mounted 800 metres before any level crossing and the ‘W/B’ are mounted at a distance of 1000 metres from any long bridge. The driver has to honk the locomotive till it crosses the whole bridge or level crossing


The sighting board are rectangular in shape with black background and having two yellow lines and one yellow circle marked over it. This boards are one of the most common boards being used in the Indian Railways. The board indicate the driver of the upcoming signal and caution them to stay alert for the signal. The good drivers easily watches the signal before the sign but amateur drivers can get warning. they are usually placed 1000 metres before any signal and warns the driver for the coming signal and manages them to control the speed of locomotive.